《Fantasia's Lullaby钢琴谱》采用了原调指法进行编配,原唱Kevin Kern,由木火进行配编制谱,曲谱一共有3张。在这首音乐中,音符如精灵的舞姿,跃动在空灵的音符间,仿佛是一场奇幻的梦境。旋律优美而缠绵,如同一位巧夺天工的艺术家在用音符绘制梦幻的画卷。每一拨琴弦都是一阵轻柔的风,拂过心灵的每一个角落,令人沉浸其中难以自拔。乐曲中的起伏有如大自然的呼吸,时而温柔轻扬,时而激荡澎湃,仿佛是在讲述一段无言的故事。这是一曲让人沉醉、徜徉在音乐海洋中的佳作,让心灵在旋律的梦幻里得到了无限的滋养。
In My Life钢琴谱Bb调_木火编配_Kevin Kern
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keepers Of The Flame钢琴谱Bb调_木火编配_Kevin Kern
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Where Paths Meet钢琴谱Bb调_木火编配_Kevin Kern
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The Silence of Knowing钢琴谱C调_木火编配_Kevin Kern
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Through Your Eyes钢琴谱C调_木火编配_Kevin Kern
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Water Tapestry钢琴谱D调_木火编配_Kevin Kern
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The Enchanted Garden钢琴谱Db调_木火编配_Kevin Kern
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Threads of Light钢琴谱Eb调_木火编配_Kevin Kern
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Emerald Legacy钢琴谱原调_木火编配_Kevin Kern
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The Winding Path钢琴谱F调_木火编配_Kevin Kern
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A Distant Shade Of Green钢琴谱G调_木火编配_Kevin Kern
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Sundial Dreams钢琴谱Gb调_木火编配_Kevin Kern
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Single Ladies钢琴谱A调_木火编配_Beyonce
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Hot N Cold钢琴谱G调_木火编配_Katy Perry
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e小调奏鸣曲 Hob.XVI34(第1乐章)钢琴谱e小调_木火编配_海顿
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爱是钢琴谱C调_啊信编配_Schoolgirl byebye
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